Employing the latest extraction method, AFC Brazilian Green Propolis Extract contains the highest concentration of flavonoids. Equivalent to 40% raw propolis, it is certified organic and free from chemicals or preservatives.
Propolis sources can be found in various regions including Brazil, Australia, Europe, the United States and China. AFC Brazilian Green Propolis Extract is 100% collected from Brazil Minas Gerais, away from industrial lands. This region is home to a unique plant species (Baccharis dracunculifolia) which produces the best grade of propolis with the highest level of flavonoids and Artepillin-C.
Extracts of Brazilian green propolis possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, propolis has been extensively used in food, beverages, and dietary supplements to improve health. AFC Brazillian Green Propoliscan be taken orally to relieve inflammation, sore throat or applied externally for wound healing and mouth ulcers.

"Propolis” originated from the Latin words “pro” for front and “polis” for city. Put together, it means a castle wall to prevent enemies’ incursion. Propolis is a strong resinous substance from plants which bees used to seal their hives. The adhesive smoothens the internal walls of the hive and protects the entrance against intruders.
It protects the entire honeycomb from foreign invasion. Research studies have shown propolis to be extremely beneficial in promoting good immune health in humans.

Top Grade Propolis
Collected by the Africanised honeybee, it is the only bee specie that can produce Brazilian Green Propolis with concentrated Artepillin-C, a powerful constituent not found in propolis from other regions.

Alcohol Extraction
Alcohol extraction method retains most non-water soluble active ingredients in final product for higher potency and efficacy. Rich in flavonoids (>17mg per ml), phenolic substances, amino acids, minerals and high concentration of Artepillin-C (more than 2.8% per more than 28mg/ml).

High Concentration & Purity
AFC Brazilian Green Propolishas a dry weight of 25% weight per volume, which means appropriately 7.7 grams of dissolved propolis and a concentration (brix) of 48%.

International Quality Recognition
GMP Certified. Organic certified and credited by Japan IFOAM. Certified by Brazilian Federal Service of Inspection (S.I.F #1032) that make sure all foods meet the quality, integrity and sanitation requirements.

Top-grade propolis has a distinctive characteristic pungent taste. Studies attributed the pungent taste to the presence of Artepillin-C, a good marker with respect to both its functional quality and effectiveness. Hence, propolis products without such pungent taste may indicate the absence of Artepillin C.
Highly recommended for individual with sore throats, compromised immunity or open wounds.

Recommended Dosage
Health Maintenance:
Adults : Take 1ml (1 full dropper tube), up to 3 times daily or as required.
Children (age 2-12 years) : Take ½ ml (half dropper tube), up to 3 times daily or as required.
Therapeutic Dose:
Take 2 ml (2 full dropper tube), up to 3 imes daily or as advised by qualified healthcare practitioners.
Hold some water in your mouth, drip propolis and hold in the mouth for 1 minute before swallowing to increase its absorption into the bloodstream via the gums
• Mix with honey water, juice or smoothie
• Add into salad or oatmeal
• Drip on bread
· For severe sore throat: swallow straight down your throat
· For mouth ulcer: drip 1 drop on ulcer and let it stand for 2-5 minutes
· For toothache & bleeding gums: after tooth brushing, mix propolis with water and gargle for 1 minute