Biologic response modifiers (BRM) also known as immunomodulators are naturally occurring substances which support the body's immune system, natural defense and self-healing mechanisms. Bioactive Organic BRM is a cutting edge formula made with ultra-concentrated and purified extracts of 7 well-researched nutraceutical mushrooms via a proprietary multi-layer extraction technology.
A powerful mushroom essence with synergistic benefits, it helps to strengthen the body's immunity, fight harmful stressors and fortify its natural healing ability for overall wellness.
Comparably, single mushroom derived compounds may offer only limited protection. Using 250x mushroom to derive 1x mushroom extract, Bioactive Organic BRM is the most concentrated mushroom extract available.

Bioactive Organic BRM offers an extensive breadth and depth of over bioactive polysaccharides compounds for maximum therapeutic effects.
Polysaccharides = Alpha-Glucan + 1-3. 1-6 Beta-Glucans
Always look for mushroom supplements with high numbers of polysaccharides and 1-3, 1-6 beta-glucans. If the level of 1-3, 1-6 beta-glucans is not disclosed or low, the high levels of polysaccharides might just be due to alpha-glucans which is really just starch, and does not offer any medicinal benefits.
Beta-Glucans are one of the beneficial polysaccharides present in medicinal mushrooms. They are the key to the immune-enhancing property of the mushrooms and play a vital role in fighting sickness.

100% American Grown
Cultivated in an FDA-registered biotech facility

Maximal Therapeutic Effects
Purified into a pharmaceutical grade immune-boosting extract.

Organic & Authentic
100% DNA-certified through independent testing.

Comprising the most sought-after Cordyceps militaris, Cordyceps sinesis, Reishi, Turkey Tail, Shiitake, Maitake and Agaricus blazei murill, this potent recipe is certified organic and provides over 200 different immune-active heteropolysaccharides (including soluble 1-3, 1-6-beta-glucans) derived from a proprietary extraction technology and enzymatic process.
Bioactive Organic BRM helps to support and boost the body’s natural immune defences in response to potential health threats.
Reap the most of the active compounds from multiple mushrooms for a wide spectrum of health benefits in one supplement. A comprehensive array of chemical profile tests are used to ensure purity and consistency in each and every batch.