LABO Nutrition Le Ageless – Placenta Cell Rejuvenating Therapy – Enhanced with Collagen Peptide and Brewer’s Yeast to Supports Immune Health - Lifestream Group US
LABO Nutrition Le Ageless不老之源 Placenta Peptides Anti-Aging Skin Wrinkles Menopause Support - Lifestream Group US
LABO Nutrition Le Ageless不老之源 Placenta Peptides Anti-Aging Skin Wrinkles Menopause Support - Lifestream Group US
LABO Nutrition Le Ageless不老之源 Placenta Peptides Anti-Aging Skin Wrinkles Menopause Support - Lifestream Group US
LABO Nutrition Le Ageless不老之源 Placenta Peptides Anti-Aging Skin Wrinkles Menopause Support - Lifestream Group US
LABO Nutrition Le Ageless不老之源 Placenta Peptides Anti-Aging Skin Wrinkles Menopause Support - Lifestream Group US
LABO Nutrition Le Ageless不老之源 Placenta Peptides Anti-Aging Skin Wrinkles Menopause Support - Lifestream Group US

LABO Nutrition Le Ageless – 胎盘细胞再生疗法 – 添加胶原蛋白肽和啤酒酵母以支持免疫健康

正常价格RM239.00 MYR

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  • 日本药用级优质猪胎盘提取物:严格源自日本优质卫生管理农场;符合日本保健食品协会规定的胎盘食品质量标准生产。 Le Ageless 的纳米胎盘疗法利用生物活性纳米级胎盘成分的力量,在细胞水平上更新、重新激活、振兴和恢复您的皮肤和身体,带来前所未有的美丽、健康和活力。
  • 容光焕发的皮肤和健康的头发生长 - 抗衰老。促进胶原蛋白、弹性蛋白和透明质酸的产生,提高真皮密度、皮肤紧致度和弹性。促进细胞再生;防止过早衰老。帮助刺激毛细胞再生和修复。增殖毛囊细胞以支持健康的头发生长。减少皱纹、细纹。
  • 强大的免疫力 - 提高免疫刺激效果以支持免疫力。抑制组胺释放以抑制过敏反应。细胞修复和更新;健康的循环系统 - 支持健康的血压。促进血液循环和新陈代谢
  • 男性和女性健康——有助于调节月经、控制经痛、更年期和男性更年期症状;增强耐力和能量水平。
  • 安全、天然:不含激素。不含填充剂、粘合剂、激素、防腐剂、小麦、麸质、牛奶衍生物或人工色素; GMP 认证和 GRAS 批准。适合成人、老年人、男士和女士。

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Le Ageless不老之源受日本领先的抗衰老诊所所信任,其由日本最大的胎盘生命科学公司研究开发,打造>99%最纯净的生物活性胎盘肽。 Le Ageless不老之源能从细胞层面振兴人体,逆转老化迹象,改善头发与皮肤的紧实度和弹性。

以Le Ageless 不老之源奇迹般的驻颜功能,违逆岁月老化。含生物活性胎盘肽,搭配顶级德国胶原蛋白肽及天然酵母的强效激活细胞营养补助品,Le Ageless不老之源的生物活性胎盘肽疗法里的超强纳米胎盘素活性成分能够从细胞深层再生、激活、修复和重建器官和皮肤,有助恢复健康和活力。


• 萃取自经严格挑选的优质日本豚,第一个被日本批准使用的胎盘素来源
• 采用独特的低温冷冻技术,多酶降解和纳滤技术以萃取出最纯的胎盘素精华
• 纳米大小的胎盘素精华以达到更好的吸收率
• 不含任何杂质,化学物质和激素德国胶原蛋白肽
• 分子超小的胶原蛋白肽与生物活性胎盘肽具有协同效应能补充和刺激胶原蛋白的合成

• 超小胶原蛋白肽与胎盘肽协同作用,以刺激胶原蛋白的产生
• 改善皮肤弹性,抚平皱纹
• 让肌肤更加紧致有光泽

• 铬和维生素B群的丰富来源
• 帮助分解碳水化合物,脂肪和蛋白质以为人体提供能量
• 辅助肌肤,头发,肝脏和神经系统健康
• 辅助健康的消化,以帮助生物活性胎盘肽和胶原蛋白肽的有效吸收

Le Revital肌肤活化液的配方含有98%的生物活性胎盘肽和脐带提取物,有助于保护、再生、补水、修复和舒缓肌肤,对激光或微针疗法的特别好的互补效果。


• 渴望拥有年轻健康的皮肤
• 希望消除与过早衰老有关的症状,如皮肤松弛、老年斑和皱纹
• 长期处于疲劳和压力之下
• 有更年期前期和更年期症状(潮热、失眠、情绪波动和昏昏欲睡)

Le Ageless不老之源的奇妙功效

1. 提升能量和耐力
• 辅助病后复原及改善健康
• 促进能量,活力和耐力; 减轻疲劳

2. 心血管系统健康
• 辅助健康的血压水平
• 促进血液循环和新陈代谢

3. 神经系统健康
• 刺激细胞更新以促进新神经的形成

4. 肌肤健康
• 促进胶原蛋白,弹性蛋白和透明质酸的合成以改善肌肤层的密度,使肌肤更紧致和富有弹性
• 促进细胞再生; 防止提早老化

• 刺激毛发细胞的再生和修复
• 增殖毛囊细胞以辅助头发健康生长

• 提高结缔组织里胶原蛋白的合成以辅助关节健康

7. 增强免疫力
• 提高免疫刺激作用以辅助免疫力
• 抑制组胺释放以抑制过敏反应

8. 肝功能健康
• 改善肝酶指数

9. 细胞健康的生长
• 抑制体内异常的细胞活动

10. 情绪健康
• 减少焦虑和改善情绪
• 提高警觉性

11. 内分泌平衡
• 调节荷尔蒙系统以维持荷尔蒙平衡

12. 改善睡眠质量
• 促进更好的睡眠质量和健康的睡眠周期

13. 男女健康
• 舒缓与经前综合症及男性女性更年期相关的症状
• 促进更年轻的细胞年龄; 辅助与年龄相关的男女性健康功能,包括性欲减退,肌肉松弛,皮肤及胸部下垂

• 卓越的抗氧化功能,以防止氧化损伤


• Proprietary Extraction technology ensures >99% bioactive contained is retained and impurities are thoroughly removed

• Stringently selected porcine sources from high quality and hygiene management farms in Japan

• Porcine placenta extract is far safer & more potent than horse sheep deer plant marine or raw placenta

Tests for deer and sheep placentas revealed lesser bioactive contents than bioactive placenta peptides used in Le Ageless. Also, deer, sheep, plant and marine placenta do not comply with the standards of Japan Health Food Association (JHFA). Placenta from plant and fish do not contain growth factors, the powerful and vital youth-enhancing ingredients that are present only in mammal placentas. Horse placenta, if bred and treated according to the regulatory standards of JHFA, is a good source of placenta protein. However, it may not be compatible with the body disposition of all users; some people may experience effects such as acne outbreak and heatiness.

Yes. Porcine placenta is similar to the human placenta which has long been consumed by mothers for their postpartum care. Porcine placenta is just as potent in its healing properties for cell renewal and is the first source of mammal placenta approved for used in Japan.

There are no side effects. Le Ageless is an all-natural supplement, formulated with Nano Placenta Extract, German Collagen Peptides and Brewer’s Yeast. It is free of fillers, binders, hormones, preservatives, wheat, gluten, milk derivatives or artificial colouring. Every batch of Le Ageless has gone through stringent tests before it is being marketed.

The hypothalamus in the brain produces hormones in the body and with age, it starts to produce less. Hormones are important because it helps revitalise the body. Le Ageless works by giving the hypothalamus a “wake up call”, a reminder to produce more hormones and is thus a safer alternative than artificial hormones which may be found in other anti-ageing supplements.

Le Ageless
contents: 60 capsules

For maintenance, take 2 capsules.

If you experience menopause symptoms, increase the daily intake to 4 capsules.
Complement with Le Revital for best results

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.