除了老化,日愈磨损和撕裂,摄取足够有助于维持强壮身体架构的营养素也非常重要。营养素的摄取量不足 ,不仅加速自然老化过程,还会延长身体架构损伤的愈合时间,降低细胞及组织更新能力。


看看 Peptan Collagen 如何支持骨骼健康!

• 对皮肤、骨骼、肌腱、韧带、软骨和血管有益
• 有助于修复关节病变
• 激活软骨中透明质酸和内源胶原蛋白的合成
• 氨基酸含量高,可使软骨细胞和结缔细胞增加
• 对生成新皮肤、骨骼基质和肌肉间基质的形成至关重要
• 对健康骨骼和软骨发育至关重要
• 有助于骨形成和钙化过程,这对骨折愈合至关重要
• 为韧带和肌腱提供灵活性。促进灵活的血管以支持健康的血液流动
• 有助于减少关节不适并保持肌腱弹性以防止受伤。
• 提供弹性,让皮肤舒展并保持弹性
• 对关节的润滑和粘弹性至关重要
• 通过保持皮肤水分以促进水合作用
• 支持伤口愈合和损伤恢复
• 保护关节软骨、滑膜和软骨下骨——三个关节炎中容易受损的关键部位
• 能够潜在的帮助降低引发炎症的因素
• 有助于激活胶原蛋白、内源性硫酸软骨素和氨基葡萄糖前体的生成,帮助防止关节疾溶菌酶
• 抗菌特性,可激活和促进 健康的免疫系统,尤其适合在慢性病手术后辅助增强免疫系蛋壳膜特有蛋白质
• 卵磷脂、ovocleidin、卵粘蛋白、卵白蛋白和卵转铁蛋白能够支持健康的炎症反应
• 抗菌特性,可激活和促进 健康的免疫系统,尤其适合在慢性病手术后辅助增强免疫系
• 卵磷脂、ovocleidin、卵粘蛋白、卵白蛋白和卵转铁蛋白能够支持健康的炎症反应

• 缓解关节问题
• 减少关节不适并促进健康的炎症反应
• 减少锻炼后的受伤
• 提高关节的协调性和功能性
• 强壮关节,降低关节损伤的风险
• 支持和防止软骨损坏或流失
• 增加肌腱弹性以保护肌腱
• 支持关节、肌腱和骨骼健康
• 维护健康的皮肤、头发和指甲
• 促进肌肉恢复
• 激活和调节免疫系统
• 支持肠道健康

• 发质和指甲脆弱
• 有膝盖损伤和骨折历史
• 有膝盖问题的超重人士
FlexC PRO EX outshines other supplements due to its multifunctional formula, combining Peptan® Type I, II & III Collagen Peptides, Silica-Rx99, Curcumin C3 Reduct® Tetrahydrocurcuminoids, and OVOMET® Eggshell Membrane. This blend supports joints, bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, nails, and hair.
Most collagen supplements in the market contain only one type of collagen peptides and are of a larger molecular size, suggesting poorer absorption into the body. FlexC PRO EX stands out due to its unique formulation with Peptan® and OVOMET, containing types I, II, III, V, X collagen peptides. These peptides are of smaller molecular size for enhanced absorption, offering comprehensive support for joints, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, hair, and nails.
Together with a healthy lifestyle and diet, one sachet of FlexC PRO EX is sufficient to maintain the health of your body structure. However, should you have any pre-existing medical conditions, please consult your health practitioner before taking any supplements.
Yes. powdered form FlexC PRO EX is free of coating or gelatin, unlike other tablet or capsule form of collagen, silica and curcumin supplements. It is also free of additives, coloring and fat-free. As our body and joints go through wear and tear daily, taking FlexC PRO EX on a regular basis helps to strengthen the body‘s physical structure while also supporting skin, hair and nails.
CONTENTS: 30 Sachets
Mix 1 sachet with water or other beverages. Take 1-3 months for best results.
Curcumin may give a spicy taste in hot water, so, opting for room-temperature water or a cool beverage may be preferred.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.