LABO Nutrition Camelina Oil—Unrefined Cold Pressed Natural Cooking Oil - Lifestream Group US
LABO Nutrition Camelina Oil—Unrefined Cold Pressed Natural Cooking Oil - Lifestream Group US
LABO Nutrition Camelina Oil—Unrefined Cold Pressed Natural Cooking Oil - Lifestream Group US
LABO Nutrition Camelina Oil—Unrefined Cold Pressed Natural Cooking Oil - Lifestream Group US
LABO Nutrition Camelina Oil—Unrefined Cold Pressed Natural Cooking Oil - Lifestream Group US
LABO Nutrition Camelina Oil—Unrefined Cold Pressed Natural Cooking Oil - Lifestream Group US
LABO Nutrition Camelina Oil—Unrefined Cold Pressed Natural Cooking Oil - Lifestream Group US

LABO Nutrition Camelina Oil—Unrefined Cold Pressed Natural Cooking Oil

正常价格RM399.00 MYR

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  • LABO Nutrition Camelina Oil is made from 100% virgin, unrefined, cold pressed Camelina oil extracted from precious Camelina seeds. It is the ideal option for cooking - from simple salads to deep-frying and grilling.
  • One tablespoon of Camelina oil meets your daily needs for Omega 3. It is a treasure trove of nutrients with high 38% omega-3 content, a perfect ratio of 2:1 Omega-3: Omega-6 and is rich in Omega-9, Vitamin E and Plant Sterols,
  • Using unique mechanical cold pressing process, LABO Camelina Oi is free of chemical or toxins, more stable and versatile than other unrefined oil. Its high smoke point of 245°C is suitable for all cooking methods at high temperature, without oxidation.
  • Its exceptional qualities and aromatic flavour makes it the ideal culinary oil for the whole family, making it superior to unrefined Olive, Grape seed, canola and Flaxseed oil.
  • Camelina Oil is an excellent, healthy and all-purpose gourmet oil. Suitable for all types of cooking such as salad dressing, stir-fry, deep-fry, baking & roasting, BBQ. Also recommended as bread dips, taking on its own and oil pulling.

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食油是我们日常饮食和烹饪中不可或缺的食材。它不仅能让佳肴更美味,也能帮助身体更好地吸收营养。我们身体所需的必需脂肪酸,如欧米加-3和欧米加-6只可以从食物或补充品中摄取, 而健康的食油是其中一个理想的来源。


普遍在市场上找到的精制食油,在制造过程中,都会经过高温或化学溶剂处理。 有些食油甚至被漂白或除臭以仿相似度,这些对身体有害的化学残留物可能会留在食油中。未精制的食油则是通过冷压而成,不经过高温或化学溶剂处理,因此能完整的保留食油中的营养价值。


冒烟点是指加热的油开始冒烟的最低温度。当烹饪时,油的温度超过冒烟点会氧化并产生对身体有害的自由基和烟雾。 因此,选择冒烟点高于230°C的食油是较健康的选择,也能用于各种烹饪方式。




菜籽油是全球食用最广泛的植物油之一,但人们对其健康影响知之甚少。最近的研究显示,食用菜籽油与阿尔茨海默氏病小鼠的记忆力衰退、学习能力下降和体重增加息息相关 (Scientific Reports 7: 17134 (2017)),可见菜籽油对大脑健康弊大于利。

让您沉浸在亚麻荠籽油的天然营养益处中。亚麻荠籽油是高营养,多益处又清香的食油, 适合各种烹调方式。亚麻荠籽油提取自亚麻荠籽,采用独特的冷压技术初榨而成,不含化学物质或毒素。它含有丰富的欧米加-3-6-9,维生素E和植物固醇,而且带有淡淡清香味,是您烹饪美味佳肴的必备食材。


儘管很多人對歐米加-3的健康益處和食物來源都有足夠的了解,但是98%的美國和德國成年人體內的歐米加-3含量還是低於最佳水平。另一項研究也指出,世界大部分人口,包括東南亞、美洲、歐洲和非洲人都顯示低水平的歐米加-3 DHA和EPA,這與心血管相關死亡率的風險增加有關。因此,服食高歐米加-3飲食或膳食歐米加-3補充品有助達到理想的歐米加-3水平,從而保護心血管,以降低罹患心血管疾病的機率(Nutrients 9(9): 930 (2017); Progress in Lipid Research 63: 132-152 (2016))


许多其他报告也说明了橄榄油的松散标准和彻底的欺诈商业。纽约时报也在这个问题上进行了报道, 许多已知的“意大利橄榄油”实际上并不是起源于意大利,而是来自于意大利像西班牙,摩洛哥和突尼斯。这些食油与其他的食油,如黄豆油一起运送到意大利, 并以“橄榄油”的标签出售。不道德的商家把其他食油混合在橄榄油中,甚至加入含有胡萝卜素的植物油以调味,以及加入叶绿素作为色素。这些食油随后在世界各地以 “橄榄油”的标签出售。研究表明69%美国进口橄榄油(标注为特级处初榨橄榄油),没通过口味和气味测试。

纽约时报互动篇 –



• 100% Unrefined Cold Press Oil – No heat or chemicals is used in the extraction process, nutrition in the oil is retained.

• Ideal ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 (2:1) – Unlike most cooking oils which have more omega-6 (promote inflammation), Camelina oil has more (38%) omega-3 (fight inflammation).

• 245°C high heat tolerance point – Suitable for high-heat cooking.

Refined oil is produced using high heat or chemical extraction in which most of the nutrients are destroyed during the process. The final product may also contain the chemical residual that is harmful to the body. Unrefined oil is mechanically extracted by a machine which applies pressure, hence nutrition in the oil can be retained. LABO Nutrition Camelina Oil is made from 100% virgin, unrefined and aromatic Camelina oil extracted from precious Camelina seeds. It is therefore nutritious and free from chemicals. The vitamin E content in Camelina oil has makes it more stable and versatile than other unrefined oil like olive and flaxseed oil which oxidises easily.

Yes. Research shows that camelina oil possesses a cholesterol reducing property ascribed to its high content of ALA plant-based Omega-3, Vitamin E and Plant sterol. Hence, Camelina oil is a great source of Omega-3 supplement and can be taken as an alternative to fish oil supplement.

1 bottle of camelina oil is equivalent to more than 580 softgels of 1,000mg fish oil.

Every tablespoon of camelina oil contains 5300mg of ALA Omega-3, equivalent to approximately 742mg of EPA and 132.5mg of DHA.

Yes, Camelina is 100% natural and suitable for pets. It is a great source of omega-3 supplement and at the same time supports joint, eyes, immunity and heart health. A regular intake of Omega-3s can also help prevent dry skin and promote good fur condition.