FiberGG 采用 Sunfiber™(部分水解瓜尔豆胶)配制而成,可帮助食物舒适地消化并以正确的速度通过肠道。这有助于促进消化系统健康并改善偶尔的便秘和腹泻。
FiberGG 是获得足够可溶性纤维的有效方法,这对维持肠道健康和规律性至关重要。
许多高纤维食物的 FODMAPS 含量也很高。 众所周知,FODMAPS 会引起与气体有关的腹痛、便秘和/或腹泻。 而 FiberGG 是一款经认证的低 FODMAP 产品。
FiberGG 含有 100 亿个天然存在于人体肠道中的 FloraGG®(鼠李糖乳杆菌 GG)。这种益生菌菌株能有效地恢复肠道菌群平衡和辅助健康的免疫系统。
与一般未经包覆处理,容易被破坏的益生菌不同,FloraGG® 被 5 层微胶囊保护层包覆在内。这提供了一个物理屏障来保护益生菌免受身体、压力和湿度的恶劣条件的影响,从而提高肠道定植率并保持肠道内壁健康。
Claimed benefits need to be supported by research. And even so, it is important that you are getting the clinically studied dosage for it to be functional and beneficial for you. When deciding which supplement is more potent (or gives better results), see the supplement fact table and compare the listed dosage (mg).
contents: 30 sachets
Adults (above 12 years old): 1 sachet daily. For health concern, take 1 sachet twice daily.
Children (9 months - 12 years old): 1/2 to 1 sachet daily
For easy and quick dissolve, stir the water first and slowly add FiberGG content in.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.