晶钻护眼素强化版4X是经科学研究证实的全面高效护眼配方,专为增强眼睛健康和减少眼睛长期用于近焦距所引起的视觉压力所配制。 同时也能对抗蓝光和自由基对眼睛的伤害。
晶钻护眼素强化版4X 每粒软胶囊还提供 4 毫克虾青素;临床研究证明,此剂量可提高视力,改善眼睛干涩疲劳,并有助于减缓中老年人的老花眼发展程度。

• 每粒软胶囊含有 10 毫克游离型叶黄素 4X(= 40 毫克游离型叶黄素)
• 每粒软胶囊含有 4 毫克虾青素(经临床证明的剂量可改善视力,减轻眼睛疲劳,减轻眼睛疲劳,并有助于减缓老花眼的进展)
• 日本制造,经日本静冈大学认证,由日本预防医学研究所开发
• 提供更多对眼睛有益的营养物质(玉米黄质、虾青素、越橘提取物)
• 1 粒软胶囊 = 24 杯西兰花 l 53 根胡萝卜 l 65 个蛋黄
Diamond Vision PRO contains 4X Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which are more easily absorbed into the eyes, brain, and body. These nutrients, along with a proprietary blend of other essential ingredients, work synergistically to improve symptoms associated with eye fatigue and protect eyes from prolonged exposure to harmful blue light, thereby reducing oxidative damage to eye tissue.
Results vary among individuals, but most people expect to see beneficial effects within a month. Daily intake is recommended to nourish the eyes and maintain healthy vision. AFC Diamond Vision PRO is 100% natural and can be taken on a long-term basis, with no known side effects.
AFC Diamond Vision PRO is 100% natural and has no known side effects. It is safe for long-term consumption and provides continuous support for eye health without any adverse effects.
Yes, Diamond Vision PRO can generally be taken alongside other medications or supplements. However, it is always advisable to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you are currently taking medication or have any underlying health conditions.
晶钻护眼素 PRO 4X
含量:30 粒软胶囊(30 天用量)
每日 1 粒软胶囊,饭后服用最佳。
