LABO Nutrition Mulbiotic, Organic Mulberry Leaf Extract + LactoSpore Probiotic & Fenumannan Prebiotic, for Blood Sugar Control, Sugar & Carb Cravings - Lifestream Group US
LABO Mulbiotic Sachet Glucose Support-Blood Sugar Diabetes Weight Appetite-Mulberry Extract - Lifestream Group US
LABO Mulbiotic Sachet Glucose Support-Blood Sugar Diabetes Weight Appetite-Mulberry Extract - Lifestream Group US
LABO Mulbiotic Sachet Glucose Support-Blood Sugar Diabetes Weight Appetite-Mulberry Extract - Lifestream Group US
LABO Mulbiotic Sachet Glucose Support-Blood Sugar Diabetes Weight Appetite-Mulberry Extract - Lifestream Group US
LABO Mulbiotic Sachet Glucose Support-Blood Sugar Diabetes Weight Appetite-Mulberry Extract - Lifestream Group US
LABO Mulbiotic Sachet Glucose Support-Blood Sugar Diabetes Weight Appetite-Mulberry Extract - Lifestream Group US
LABO Mulbiotic Sachet Glucose Support-Blood Sugar Diabetes Weight Appetite-Mulberry Extract - Lifestream Group US
LABO Mulbiotic Sachet Glucose Support-Blood Sugar Diabetes Weight Appetite-Mulberry Extract - Lifestream Group US

LABO Nutrition Mulbiotic、有机桑叶提取物 + LactoSpore 益生菌和 Fenumannan 益生元,用于控制血糖、缓解对糖和碳水化合物的渴望

正常价格RM139.00 MYR

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  • 天然来源的黄金标准成分:一种独特配方的超级食品,由 3 种优质成分组成 - 桑叶粉(高 DNJ 和 Q3MG 类黄酮 - 优质桑葚的关键标志)、LactoSpore 益生菌和功能剂量的 Fenumannan 天然益生元。 Mulbiotic 为整体健康提供多种益处,包括健康的血糖、消化系统
  • 卓越功效:桑叶生物活性成分的重要来源,包括 DNJ、Q3MG。 1-脱氧野尻霉素 (DNJ),被称为“糖阻滞剂”,通过抑制葡萄糖吸收和加速葡萄糖代谢,有益于健康的血糖水平。日本樱江町桑叶中Q3MG(槲皮素3-(6-丙二酰葡萄糖苷))的含量高于其他地方的桑叶。它是一种类黄酮,有助于降低血糖和胆固醇。
  • 乳孢益生菌:在室温下稳定。对胃酸有抵抗力。优于其他益生菌。超强的肠粘膜(表面)粘附能力可延长益生菌的持续时间,从而改善胃肠道免疫系统。 FENUMANNAS:胡芦巴种子的天然提取物,其中至少含有 60% 的半乳甘露聚糖,这是一种水溶性膳食纤维。这种专有的膳食纤维有助于支持健康的血糖和胆固醇水平。
  • 临床证明:减少葡萄糖吸收并调节餐后血糖峰值;促进健康的血液循环、血糖、胆固醇、甘油三酯和血压水平;健康的消化系统;健康的肠道菌群和肠道规律;促进新陈代谢;支持免疫力和活力;健康老龄化、炎症反应;抗糖化
  • 100% 纯,素食和酮友好:推荐用于间歇性禁食。全天然:不含麸质。不含添加剂、化学品、农药、小麦、酵母、牛奶衍生物、精制糖、咖啡因、防腐剂、色素或调味剂

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大脑- 糖会触发你的大脑释放多巴胺,从而让你感觉良好,并渴望通过继续吃含糖食物来获得愉悦感。长此以往就可能会令血糖持续飙升,从而引发糖尿病相关的健康问题。

情绪- 血糖突然的飙升或者降低可能会影响人的情绪。研究表明高糖摄入量与成年人患抑郁症的风险增加有关。

关节- 糖会引发体内炎症,有机会导致关节疼痛恶化。

心脏- 过量糖分会触发身体产生更多的胰岛素,从而导致血管壁发炎、变厚和变硬。长此以往就会损害到心脏,并且诱发中风和心脏病。

肾脏 - 对于有糖尿病问题的人士,血液中过剩的糖会导致肾脏损伤。严重情况下甚至会引起肾衰竭。

皮肤- 炎症令皮肤过早老化。摄入的糖分会附着在血液中的蛋白质上,并产生有害分子,导致皮肤老化,产生下垂和皱纹。

体重- 研究显示糖分会导致体重增加。过量摄入糖分使脂肪细胞发炎,随之释放化学成分令体重增加。

肝脏- 身体中过量的糖分有机会导致非酒精脂肪肝疾病。

Mulbiotic是维持健康血糖的关键。它是一款天然抗糖配方,由 3 种超级食品配制而成 ——有机桑叶提取物,可常温保存的 LactoSpore® 益生菌和Fenumannan® 益生元。Mulbiotic有助于在富含碳水化合物的膳食后减少糖分吸收,并加速葡萄糖代谢,以保持血糖水平在健康区。让您安心享用您最喜爱的食物,不用担心血糖水平会在饭后飙升。

桑叶是最古老的草药之一。早在 5000 多年前,它就已被用于治疗发热、咳嗽、高血脂、高血压、高血压、高血糖等问题。其富含丰盛的营养和矿物质,能够提供令人惊讶的治疗效果,以帮助恢复健康。

有机桑叶提取物是Mulbiotic的主要成分之一。 取材自日本樱花町的有机年轻的桑树,远离工业污染。低温处理技术令必需的酚酸和黄酮醇得以保存。Mulbiotic桑叶提取物含有极高比例的1-脱氧野尻霉素 (DNJ) 和槲皮素3-(6-丙二酰葡萄糖苷)(Q3MG),这两种物质是评价上等桑叶的质量指标。

DNJ(1-脱氧野尻霉素)是桑叶提取物中的活性成分。由于 DNJ 的结构与葡萄糖相似,因此它可以作为竞争性抑制剂,阻止碳水化合物与 α-葡萄糖苷酶(小肠中的一种消化酶)结合。通过这样做, DNJ 有助于减少碳水化合物的吸收和消化,以支持健康的血糖、平衡胰岛素水平、支持体重管理、免疫力和心血管健康。

每天服用12毫克DNJ,持续38 天观察到对餐后血糖升高和胰岛素分泌的显著抑制作用,同时并不会导致低血糖和其他不良反应。


Mulbiotic is best taken before a meal. This is because DNJ helps reduce glucose absorption into bloodstream to support healthy blood glucose levels.

A good quality mulberry leaf extract can be distinguished by its colour, processing technology as well as species and origins. Colour-wise, premium mulberry leaf extract is bright green in colour; a duller or brown colour could suggest that it is of a lower quality. Next, the processing technology determines the nutritional value of mulberry leaf extract. Low temperature processing can help retain the precious nutrients and active compounds of the mulberry leaf. Lastly, the species and origin of mulberry tree makes a difference to the quality of mulberry leaf extract. Mulberry trees grown on the coastal regions are sturdier from having to withstand the harsher weather conditions and the fruits they bear are richer in nutrients.

Organic mulberry leaf extract in Mulbiotic fulfills all 3 criteria and can be considered as one of the best mulberry extracts available in the market. It is bright green in colour, processed under low temperature without chemicals and made from the leaves of white mulberry trees grown along the coastal regions of Japan. Mulbiotic delivers exceptionally high amounts of nutrients, including phenolic acids and flavonols.

No, Mulbiotic is a natural supplement and not a medicine. Hence, no prescription is required. Nonetheless, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider if you have a medical condition.

Mulbiotic Sachet
Contents: 30 sachets

Daily: Take 1 sachet before the heaviest meal of the day.

Intensive Needs: Take 1 sachet before each meal, three times a day, for a duration of 3 to 6 months for optimal results. Improvement may be noticeable after 3 months, but the most evident and substantial outcomes will be achieved by consistently consuming 3 capsules before every meal for at least 6 months.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.